Salam besiaran di hari pg sabtu hemmm siap tugas lega rasanya, time cuti2 ni nak rehat jugak....kerja pun semua dah sattelkan sebelum masuk tidur mlm tadi...kemas, sapu, moop, susun mana yg sepah2 tu hemmm ada kerja ada gaji ke...wahhhhh ...jadinya pg ni kita x byk kerja lah sangat...... sarapan utk pg ni pun mlm td siapkan..sambil bekeja megemas, sambil tulah oven bekeja juga....amboi2 cik bos kata sejak dua tiga menjak ni bukan main pakai leterik melebihi hat npk? ahmmmm ahammm kena sount dahhhhh...ehhh cik bos pun tumpang sekali ngam jugak kannn....kita kenakan balik kikiki...dlm mkn2 pun puji jugak sdp nya roti...mana taknya roti yg sangat soft dan sweet... rugis pulak buat sikit konon nak menerai leee jadi ke tidak :-)...kejadiyan yg amat cantik gebus garing atas bawah...kita guna susu segar dlm kotak tu..suka pulak kat resepi2 yg ada step by step...mcm2 gaya roti yg di tunjukan oleh Pook San...ok nak negok cara2 buatnya masuk le ke rmh beliau yeee....ok milo panas dah bancuh apa lg jom sarapan...
sebelah bawah cantik garingnya
Pain au lait: Delicious mini milk bread
Recipe : Pook San
230g ............................... All purpose flour
60g ................................. Bread flour
125g ................................ Whole milk
4g .................................... Instant yeast
50g ................................. Egg (about 1)
38g ................................. Sugar
5g ................................... Salt
63g ................................. Unsalted butter
60g ................................. Bread flour
125g ................................ Whole milk
4g .................................... Instant yeast
50g ................................. Egg (about 1)
38g ................................. Sugar
5g ................................... Salt
63g ................................. Unsalted butter
........................................ Pearl sugar, for sprinkle at the top ~ sheila guna gula biasa
Nak lg mudah membuatnya ada step by step yg di tunjukan
Mix the milk and yeast together, set aside.
the bread flour and sugar in a bowl, whisk to combine, add the salt
whisk again. Pour the liquids mixture and egg into the bowl.
Use large spoon (or pastry scraper) to mix everything together, and knead briefly to bring all the ingredients together.
Take the dough out of the bowl and knead.
by using the heel of your hands to compress and push the dough away
from you, then fold it back over itself (see the picture here). Until all the dough are moisten.
Add the soften butter, give the dough a little turn and repeat. Put the weight of your body into the motion and get into a rhythm. Keep folding over and compressing the dough.
for 10-15 minutes or until the dough is soft, pliable, smooth and
slightly shiny, almost satiny, the dough will stop sticking to your
Cover the bowl with a tea towel or cover with the plastic bag and leave the dough to prove for about 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 210°C
Preheat the oven to 210°C
press down the dough and cut the dough into 10 pieces, let the dough
rest for 15 minutes. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a circle,
about 8 cm. Fold the dough and roll into a small batard.
the shaped dough; let rise until almost doubled in volume, about 30-40
minutes. Before baking, brush the dough with egg wash and use a scissor
to cut the top of the dough. Sprinkle the pearl sugar on top.
Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the bread is golden.
served as a breakfast with a cup of hot milo.
Assalamualaikum kak sheila...
BalasPadamwahhhhh..pepagi dah tayang merotiii...
sedappp tu...
ada lagi tak..
meh seketoii.......
Salam kak :D nak tumpang bf kat sini, kita nak air teh o kurang manis satu kalau minum milo jarang minum mila yg panas, suke milo yg sejuk2 :D
BalasPadamw'salam Mas yeppp pepagi mkn roti aje ada lg 3 ni...sdp cicah milo, teh o, nescf...
BalasPadamw'salam Ika heheh smlm dah pekena teh o panas..hari ni cicah milo pulak..milo sejuk minum ptg2 sdp gak...mari sarapan same...
BalasPadamAslmkm Kak..saje tayang roti..lama benar tak meroti..bak 2 ketol kak..
BalasPadamkak shiela meroti lagi..sedap nampak tu..ada lagi, campak2 seketui dua kat rumah depan..he3
BalasPadamakakkk.. kite nk jugakkk.. dua ketul yer! dulu penah wat gak.. dah lupa rasa macamana.. hihi
BalasPadamuish..takleh jadi ni..kena on gak BM tuh...
BalasPadamAssalamualaikumm Sheila,
BalasPadamsedapnya makan roti begini....cicah dengan milo panas, mmmm lembutnya masuk ke tekak! Yummy!
Assalam Dik Shiela..nak juga wlau pun dah lewat ni..nak buat bekal makan masa gi jalan-jalan jap lagi!..melampau sungguh Akak ni ya!
BalasPadamrajinnya Kak Sheila, kalaulah saya ada kerajinan & kegighan macam Kak Sheila, alangkah bahagianya... :-))
BalasPadamsedapnya kak roti..saya suka roti yg ada tabur2 gula kat atas dia ni...meamng sedap..:)
BalasPadamAssallamualaikum kak sheila..
BalasPadamAmboi kakkkk, ayat.."kejadiyan yg amat cantik gebus garing atas bawah.." menggoda betul.. Terliur Naz dibuatnya.. Dahlah atas roti tu ditaburi gula..lazatttt... Tapi sedih sbb tak leh meroti selagi BM tu cuti sakit...huhuhuuuu.. Makan yg akak nyer je la..